Allen Cooper AC6053 Leather Thermoplastic Toe Desert Zipper Combat Safety Boot. These shoes are available in various size options, choose the best for yourself. This shoe is very comfortable and has a Rubber sole. The Rubber sole is really tough and comfortable at the same time! These shoes can bear the rock, heat, and cold anything but will keep your feet safe. The Allen Cooper AC6053 Leather Thermoplastic Toe Desert Zipper Combat Safety Boot, Size: 5 is unexpectable lightweight at just 1.4 kg. Run, jump or trekbut do not get tired. The producthas a warranty period of sole cracking 1 year. The material is tough enough to save your feet from injuries. Your feet are going to stay safe and warm. You can go on carefree knowing that this shoe will ease all sorts of hurdles. These shoes have a thermoplastic toe, keeping your feet protected. Travelers or heavy duty workers these shoes come in handy when you wish in every situation.